Tuesday, June 22, 2010

there is time to

©Photograph by lumardha
There is time to talk, there is time to be quite, there is time to laugh, there is time to feel sad, there is time to be left alone, there is time to be confused, there is time to stop, there is time to change, there is time to learn, there is time to move on, there is time to stay, there is time to always moving forward, there is time to say yes, there is time to say no, there is time to love, there is time to except love, there is time to be loved, and there is time to share, that is why I share this with you. Lately I feel so tired because a lot has been happened and, infact, still happening that strongly effects my point of views and life. I have to get use to the changes and to all new stuffs that I face. For my lil body, sometimes it was just to much, if I might say. I just can pray to God, hoping I am not getting sick. And thanks to God, I am not, though had lost weight about 3 kilos. Now, I have felt better and have gained 2 kilos and I get my appetite back yet again. Anyway, my eyes are still dropping, hopping to have a pretty long night sleep every night but cannot due to the alarm clock that will keep ringing when I do not wake up in the morning. I share this to you, just to let you know that.. everything that might happen in our life (good or bad), just keep moving forward and do the best you can, because for sure, there will be time looking back and said, 'wow, so many things I have done and those things have strengthen me. thanks to God to all He'd gave me and to all He'd done for me'. For I sure there is time where all will be beautiful according to God's plan. Amen.

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